aBSoLuTeLy nOtHInG

I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to write. Therefore, I am writing about having nothing to write. No ideas seem to be good enough to write about so I have decided to write about ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

aLMoSt nOtHiNg

Good ideas are slowly appearing in my brain. So now, I have ALMOST NOTHING. This is weird. It's like I'm talking to myself. I have something but it's ALMOST NOTHING. I have two good ideas but now I feel that it is too late to state them. Oh whale!

nEaRLy nOtHiNg

Ok. So apparently only one of the good ideas were actually good. Now, once again, I have NEARLY NOTHING. When will something outstanding pop up? Inspiration isn't helping me at all. I just realized that I don't have NEARLY NOTHING! I have so much content.

jUsT nOThIng

I am back to where I started. I actually have JUST NOTHING. Any idea that I thought was at least decent is gone. Who knew that in our vast world, there would be nothing to write about? Or maybe I'm just not trying? Probably... But I still have JUST NOTHING.

nOtHiNg iS hARd

From this, I have learned that writing about NOTHING IS HARD. You would think that you could just rant about nothing, on and on. But at one point, even the nothingness won't help. Argh. I just want one good idea. Writing about NOTHING IS HARD!
